Science and Religion

Science and religion; many people think that they contradict each other. I say they dont. I think as humans our knowlegde is not yet perfect, there for we still have trial and error, and many many questions. That being said, I believe that an all knowing and loving god did use science to create this earth, our solor system ect. The complexities of the world are to organized, balanced, and to perfect to be random. Nature has a balance, if it doesnt it is our doing. There is a natural order and law to our lives. We as humans like to think we can manipulate and change these laws but in the long run we are only disrupting the natural way things are created to be. If we step back and view the natural order of things we can see how things should really is that simple. God has given us guidlines to follow that will enable us to live happy lives. We are the ones that have complicated that plan. We like to think we know more then god and we like to make our own laws and standards to follow. In the end wickedness never was or ever will be happiness. Our world has become corrupted by us. The standards set by our modern day society exploits sexualality, demoralizes the roles of men and woman and tears down the union of the family.


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